Brandon Obas
One Word that Best Represents You:
Tell Us One Time You Hacked Something:
I once helped to build an app called Iris at a hackathon that allowed users to communicate with their browser through voice. The app was designed to service people who were unable to use their hands.
When Was Your First “Political” Moment:
My first political moment was in 6th grade when we watched president Obama’s 2008 inauguration in class.
Ninjas or Pirates:
Pirates – the freedom of the sea and just doing whatever you want with your best friends sounds like the dream.
What’s a Random Topic on Which You are a Pseudo-expert:
I once watched an hour-long video on the meanings of different facial expressions. So, I’m a little knowledgeable on micro-expressions, which are expressions that people unconsciously make that reveal their true emotion.
Why Reviving Representation Matters to You:
The American government was built to serve the American people and it seems that people have become more disconnected to government. We need more effective representation for government to serve the interests of all Americans. I want to make a difference in how the American people and politicians communicate. Technology has allowed us to significantly change the way politicians and people communicate for the better. The more people who voices are heard, the better our government works.
Brandon Obas, who studies computer science at the University of Pennsylvania, built an award-winning project in PennApps, UPenn’s massive hackathon.